For my first post, I'd like to introduce myself. You might be asking yourself, "why is he calling himself the Pickleman?" My last name is Gerckens. I can't tell you how many times in my life that people have said upon hearing my last name, "Oh, do you mean like the pickle?" Rather than fight it, I've learned to accept being called the pickleman. Believe me when I tell you that it beats being called the other name that people have innocently (well, not all have called me it so innocently) referred to me upon hearing my last name..."Jerckens."
I tell you that Jerckens doesn't bother me, but it infuriates my mother. I once tried to correct people by asking them what's up with the soft g sound? You don't call "God", "Jod", or "gold", "jold", so why do you feel the need to say "Jerckens" instead of "Gerckens?"
I thought I had a logical argument until people started giving me examples of soft g words that dismissed my argument. Geriatric, does in fact use a soft g, as does gerbil, and a whole host of other words.
I've spent a lot of time talking about my name. I feel it's important to get the name issue out of the way. Besides there might even be a point or two to be made by being up front. I do believe that if you feel strong enough to state a position, then there is nothing wrong with people knowing your name. I know that is a hard line approach, but that's what I learned when I went to school in the 1970's. I'm not saying the opinions of those who choose to hide their identities are any less valuable than the opinions of the named, but I will admit to taking the named opinions more seriously.
The other point that may have been made is that I've told you publicly of a mistake I made by demonstrating my wrong approach to the hard g, soft g naming issue. I make lots of mistakes and try to learn from them. If I misspeak or my opinion can be proven incorrect, by all means, call me on it...just don't call me Jerckens. It's been done before and if it's said with enough venom, I'll sic my mother after you.
Finally, I have been asked to create and discuss different issues on this blog. Currenlty, the topics seem endless (but we'll see how it goes as I write about them). I work at a university, manage three departments, have seats on national and regional boards in the mail and print industries, lead a parent task force at a parochial school, coach recreational basketball and soccer, speak at national conferences, travel, scuba dive, fundraise, and try to raise my family as best I can.
With that, I'd like to say Welcome to The Pickleman Speaketh...
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