Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bad Attitude

I love music.  As a kid, I used to listen to Casy Kasem's American Top 40 every Sunday morning.  I remember getting introduced to rock through hand-me-down albums from one of my older neighbors.  My first concert was Frampton and I followed that up with The Doobie Brothers.

In high school, I heard rumors of a hole in the wall of the New Haven Coliseum.  I was taken to the hole and learned how to sneak in through the roof of that venue.  Throughout high school I became one of the "wall people" who snuck into every concert that came to New Haven.  If an artist or band came to the Coliseum, I saw them and usually for free.

As I got older, I discovered local bands.  I've been supporting local bands ever since.  I forget all the names, but followed Wildcat Strike, Overture, and any band featuring Nick DeFala or Junior Palmieri.

These days, I've been following Flying Meat, Lost Rebel, Crossroads, The Juicy Grapes, and The Dixie Rebel Band.  The one group that I was closest to in my twenties was a band called Bad Attitude.

Bad Attitude spoke to the rebel inside of me.  They were loud, rude and crude.  My buddy Joe and I became their roadies and unofficial rehearsal singers.  Since the vocals were so loud, we stepped up so the lead singer, Wayne wouldn't strain his vocal cords before a gig.  Joe and I didn't mind.

In true rock and roll fashion, we drank, we fought, and we were all about having a good time.

I've learned that everything you do as a youth helps shape and create the person you become as an adult.  Did I make mistakes...absolutely, but the friends and experiences I've shared have become a treasured part of me.

The drummer for Bad Attitude is a friend named Tommy Dow.  Tommy was the comedian in the group and the driving beat behind the music.  Tommy has been playing in different local bands all
these years and I have to admire someone who has remained dedicated to his craft for all this time.

Recently, Tommy has had some health issues.  His friends are hosting a fundraiser to help with his medical expenses this Sunday at Cherry Street Station in Wallingford.  His band, Crossroads will be hitting the stage at 3.  I'm crossing my fingers that maybe, just maybe there might be a Bad Attitude reunion.  I know one thing, I'll be there to lend my support to a friend from many years ago.

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